Boys and girls in Preschool through Eighth Grade must wear the proper school uniform at all times. School uniforms are supplied by Flynn & O’Hara and Preschool and gym uniforms by Sandoval Printing. Uniforms may be purchased online, phone or by visiting the retail store. You can also pick up an order form and list of items required in the school’s main office.
Kindergarten-8th Grade Uniforms
FlynnO’Hara Uniform Page for St. John Paul II RS
Flynn & O’Hara
Garden State Pavillions
2240 W. Marlton Pike
Cherry Hill, NJ 08022
(856) 931-8838
Kindergarten-8th Grade Gym Uniforms
Sandoval K-8 Gym Uniform Order Form
Preschool Three and Four Uniforms
Sandoval Printing
9 Minnetonka Road
Hi-Nella, NJ 08083
(856) 435-7320
Click here for details on our Uniform Outlet