In addition to the core subjects, students in grades K to 8 receive each of the following co-curricular classes once weekly:
Physical Education
Media Center
Our Media Center Includes:
Library media program
Computer work stations
Internet based research materials
Books, video, audio resources
Tools for preparation for high school and college research
Middle School Exploratories
Middle school students at St. John Paul II have an opportunity to explore their individual interests through nearly 30 quarterly elective classes that meet three morning a week including (but certainly not limited to):
Music, Newspaper, Book Club, Chess, Health and Wellness
The Hawks Nest School Newspaper-Jan.2019 Issue
Organizational Skills, Geography, Math Competition
Ceramics, Community Service, Personal finance, CSI,
World religion, Improv, Research
Learn more with a campus tour! Call us at 856-783-3088 or email principal@jp2rs.org to arrange.